
The Role of Pest Control in Maintaining Good Health and Hygiene

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Who says good health and hygiene come free? Good health, hygiene and sanitation have to be maintained, if you wish to lead a healthy life, in a hygienic and sanitised environment. Pest Control Doctor make that easy for you, with our pest control services! You can easily book pest control services online and rest assured of the best, most effective, durable, reliable and eco-friendly pest control solutions at the most reasonable prices!

Pest control should not be limited to mere removal of pests when there is an infestation in your premises. Pest control services as we offer, include pest removal and also putting a protective layer in the infested area so that recurrence of the infestation is avoided!


Professional Pest Control in Melbourne

Importance of pest control for food safety and Benefits of Pest Control:

Pest infestation in Australia is not just common; it is rampant! Australia is one of those countries, where pest infestation is the highest, compared to other countries of the world. Residential, industrial, institutional or commercial establishments are all prone to pest infestation. Especially the hospitality and food industry, because of its restaurants and commercial kitchens, is the most prone!

Commercial, industrial or institutional undertakings take utmost care to keep their premises pest-free and clean, healthy and hygienic and sanitised. The hospitality and catering industry has a major duty of safeguarding public health. The onus is on them to ensure that their food and other supplies are a hundred percent safe. No establishment would like see their guests, customers or clients getting turned off due to the ugly sight and the health risk of pests around!

In your homes too, you would naturally be very particular and cautious regarding the health of you co-inhabitants, especially senior citizens, kids and pets. The option would be to take the help of Pest Control Doctor, who is the best pest management company in Australia.

Risks That Come With Pest Infestation:

Critical public utility establishments such as hospitals, hospices, nursing homes and other healthcare facilities need to maintain much higher standards of sanitation, than most others.  However, pests would not differentiate between a school and hospital or a hotel and a place of worship! Pest infestation could happen anywhere.

Here are a few examples of pests and the possible damage they could cause not just to your land and buildings or furniture, fixtures and furnishings and upholstery, but to your people too! The people at risk of various allergies and illness and diseases could be your family, your staff, your guests, students or worst still, patients in your health facility!

  • Rats, rodents and mice: The most dangerous, damaging creatures are rats, rodents and mice. They not only infest kitchens in homes and restaurants, contaminate food and other materials, but they are also known to bite humans and other animals. Moreover rodents, rats and mice are notorious for terrible diseases that they spread through different modes. How scary is that!
  • Flies: Flies could be fruit flies, drain flies or the common house fly. Fly infestation is common wherever there is food and other edible stuff. This is a serious issue, especially for hospitality and food businesses. Flies, like other flying insects can contaminate food, beverages and even the surrounding furniture and fixtures. They carry bacteria and viruses and could therefore spread a range of allergies and illnesses.
  • Cockroaches: Cockroaches are most frequently seen in kitchens, dining areas, washrooms etc., where they can easily find food.
    Cockroaches conceal themselves very easily and apart from being a frightening and irritating sight, they carry and in turn, spread a wide variety of allergies, illnesses and diseases.
  • Almost all pests are nocturnal by nature and active after day fall. They find comfort in wet, damp and moist places such as sewers, drains, in the corners of furniture and fixtures or in your furnishings and upholstery.

Importance of Pest Control:

Pests not only threaten but also violate the upkeep, cleanliness hygiene and sanitation in and around any premises. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) research journal says that pests, insects, rodents, critters and microbes carry various kinds allergens and pathogens that cause dangerous allergies, illnesses and diseases. The EPA also mentions that cockroaches and other pests contribute to asthma and other cardiovascular and cardiothoracic allergies.

Customer satisfaction in commercial and industrial sectors and patient welfare in health services sector are paramount to the existence of the establishment.  Overall safety and care of the inmates and prevention the of infections are concerns that override all other aspects! That is why cleanliness, sanitation and hygiene are highly prioritised and regularly monitored in the healthcare in all sectors of public enterprise.

Most importantly, no enterprise or entrepreneur would want to face unnecessary and avoidable customer complaints or the repercussions of their clientele or the government agencies taking them to task or suing them! Therefore, the most prudent thing to do is hire a pest control professional. Who better than Pest Control Doctor for that!

Methods of Pest Control:

Cleaners and technicians at Pest Control Doctor, have decades of experience in pest removal, pest treatment and disinfection as well as prevention of infestations from almost pests and insects. Our customised treatments devised and designed exclusively for every customer, are effective and reliable. Moreover, a pre-treatment inspection is conducted to study the kind of infestation, and the extent. prices After this, you get a free pest control quote which makes it easier for you to compare pest control prices with other pest control companies.

We employ various methods for pest removal and pest treatment, including spraying of pesticides, insecticides, rodenticides and fumigation.  Our processes, actions and operation are optimised to attain maximum sanitation and environmental hygiene for your premises and your surroundings. This is the sure-shot way to maintain cleanliness and public health and hygiene at home and in public places too! We also offer disinfection services along with the pest removal and pest control services.

Apart from spraying and fumigating, there are non-chemical methods of pest control services too! The most effective non-chemical yet very preventive approach, is Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is way to control pests. A typical IPM program uses pesticides only if and when necessary. This method addresses the reasons for infestations to avoid recurrences. Taking proactive steps to avoid pest infestation, as suggested by our experts can reduce pest infestations, thereby reducing the need for pesticides and other chemical methods.

Pest Control Doctor – The Right Pest Control Company:

Cleaners and technicians at Pest Control Doctor are highly trained, professionally skilled and experienced in all kinds of pest control services.  We are pioneers and leaders in the field and our network of satisfied customers has spread out to almost all regions of Australia. We have serviced all kinds of residential, commercial, institutional and industrial sites over the past decades which is why when you hire our services, you get all the possible benefits of pest control.

The chemicals, cleaning agents, sprays we use and our methods and processes are one hundred per cent safe, especially for senior citizens, children and pets.  Our services and also the products we use conform to set Australian standards of public safety, sanitation, health and hygiene. We have been accredited, acclaimed and awarded for the best pest control services and for our eco-friendly pest control solutions.

We value time and prompt service to our customers. That is why our team visits the infested site withing hours of the call registered at our dedicated call centre. We usually offer pest control treatment on the same of the call, so that there is no delay in addressing the problem and our customers’ business is not hampered!

Last But Definitely Not the Least!

After the culmination of our pest control service, our experts meet you or your staff for a one-to-one session to suggest a few tips and protocols, suitable to the premises. These tips, suggestions and protocols would help you to prevent pest infestation or the recurrence in and around your premises! We are always at your service to stave off pests and pest infestations!

Do not let pests thrive on your premises due to your oversight. Nip it in the bud!

Call Pest Control Doctor – Today!


Reviewed by: John Smith, Ph.D., MSc

John Smith is a renowned expert in the pest control industry, with over 20 years of experience in the field. He is a licensed pest control professional, and has worked for both commercial and residential clients throughout his career.Throughout his career, John has developed innovative and effective pest control strategies, and has helped countless clients rid their homes and businesses of unwanted pests. He takes pride in his work and is dedicated to providing the highest level of service to his clients as well as providing technical assistance to branch offices and clients throughout Australia.In addition to his professional work, John is an active member of several pest control industry organizations, and regularly contributes to industry publications. He also prepares scientific reports for Ace Pest Control on any changes or updates to government regulations affecting the Pest Control industry.


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